One of the more amusing things about the site, in my opinion, is the tendency to nerdy tech stories. For instance, this is the current top story: World's Dorkiest Tattoo. Indeed this story is dorky. It involves some sort of HTML (I think) tattoo on some guy's neck."Digg is a user driven social content website. Ok, so what the heck does that mean? Well, everything on Digg is submitted by our community (that would be you). After you submit content, other people read your submission and Digg what they like best. If your story rocks and receives enough Diggs, it is promoted to the front page for the millions of visitors to see.
What can you do as a Digg user? Lots. Every person can digg (help promote), bury (help remove spam), and comment on stories... you can even Digg and bury comments you like or dislike. Digg also allows you to track your friends' activity throughout the site — want to share a video or news story with a friend? Digg it!"
I enjoy the site because you can find some interesting international news that you really don't see anywhere else, since I'm not really seeing a ton of diggs from main stream media outlets. The stuff I'm interested in is still pretty scarce, since the techies are clearly the early adopters of this site, but as it gets more popular, I'm sure the proportion of news I find interesting will increase.
And I thought my husband had the world's dorkiest tattoo. This could easily give him a run for his money...