My Photoshop skills are rudimentary at best, but, like my love for Larry, I figured that pure and simple was the best approach. Here are three potential logos—vote for the one you like best, and it’ll make its appearance at the end of this week with the new feature. And one day, when Larry Googles himself, sees this blog, and puts the wheels of that restraining order in motion, he’ll hopefully see this entry, and discover that it all started from a place of childlike innocence.
Here, your three choices.
1. Classic Larry. Slightly enlarged but otherwise untouched, this image of Larry perhaps shows him in his most natural setting, smiling (laughing, almost!) after sharing a quick-witted remark with a coworker, or even an espresso with a close friend.

2. Hearts On Fire Larry. Straight from the pages of MediaPost or CBS SportLine to Teen Beat, this is the Larry that’s displayed on the walls of teenagers who summer at journalism camp, or on the computer screens of women who spend far too much time on the Internet.

3. If I Still Had A Locker, This Picture Would Be In It Larry. Bold and unfiltered, my cyber affection for Larry just can’t be restricted!

So, you guys pick the logo. Vote in the comments below!
I vote 3...since this is kind of our virtual locker.
I vote for 2, simple yet compelling.
Locker Larry has my vote. Nice PhotoShop work!
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