I don't go to industry functions because one, I never get invited anywhere and two, I generally dislike other people. But when the opportunity to attend a lightly-appetizered preview of the upcoming "Larry Sanders Show" DVD presented itself last night, I took the party pants out of cold storage and girded myself for some painful social interaction.
And farther down into the actual review....
Even its live-happier tips transcend the trappings of the genre. Ordinarily, I'd no sooner read a story sub-headlined "15 ways to rediscover what makes you laugh, sing, dance, feel, believe - and be gloriously yourself" than bury a swizzle stick deep in my ear canal, but the feature offers a trio of well-observed, non-maudlin essays about faith, exercise and journal writing. The mag also relates a handful of DIY-themed tales, like one about a woman who built her town's library from scratch, that somehow manage not to scream WE SHALL INSPIRE YOU! DON'T FIGHT IT, BITCH.Despite the fact that I have a sad feeling that none of our readers have the affinity for Larry that I have, I may just make this a regular feature. Now, I just need to find a picture of him that I can Photoshop a creepy little heart around so I can have a proper logo. Ten bucks says that Larry Dobrow files a restraining order against me in the next six months.
Should I be worried?
ReplyDeleteCYBER crush, honey. CYBER crush. Our avatars might mate, but nothing else.
ReplyDeleteI found his picture (slow Friday). Enjoy. http://www.sportsline.com/columns/writers/dobrow
ReplyDeleteYay! Despite my husband's silly concerns, it's time for logo-making to commence. Thanks for the heads-up!
ReplyDeleteOh, this is going to be great. I can't wait until we have Larry Dobrow posts with a logo!
ReplyDeleteCrap, I was going to send you his pic, but leah beat me to it. Foiled again! Can't wait for the logo:)