Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fall TV Is Back!

Longtime blog readers by now know that I have nothing going for me in life that doesn’t involve TV. I live for it. I make plans (like sleeping and eating) around it. To me, new episodes of my favorite TV shows are like smack, or what I imagine smack to be like since I grew up in Paducah, KY, and the most hardcore tale from my youth involves stealing a pen from K-Mart when I was seven. My mother made me return it later. So I guess what I’m saying is that, to me, new TV episodes of my fave shows are like the high a seven-year-old gets from stealing a pen.

Anyway, since Fall TV is back, I’ve been gearing up for the return of old favorites— such as The Office, How I Met Your Mother, Friday Night Lights, Heroes (yay for bringing in Kristen Bell!) and even Grey’s Anatomy, even though it was all sad and weird the second half of last season with the ferries crashing and the dying and coming back to life and the Derek hitting on Meredith’s sister and the Addison leaving Seattle Grace to chat with an elevator. I’ll give it another chance. The music was still good, anyway.

There’s also new shows, and the ones I’m most excited about are Pushing Daisies, Bionic Woman (although stunt casting Isaiah Washington for an arc isn’t doing it any favors in my book), and Gossip Girl. I actually saw the pilot of Gossip Girl last night, and it was pretty good in that guilty pleasure kind of way. It stars Blake Lively (the blond girl from Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants, which you know I loved), and it’s pretty much The O.C. set in New York City. Let’s just hope it’s The O.C., seasons one and two, and not three and four when it got terrible.

Other shows I’m planning on tuning into (and have reasonably high hopes for) are: Private Practice (despite the terrible pseudo-pilot, I’ll watch anything that includes Tim Daly); Cane, and Women’s Murder Club.

Anyway, so today I totally mapped out my fall viewing schedule. Once everything premieres, here’s what it’ll look like with some nifty DVR maneuvering (assuming I like the new shows I want to see and stick with my favorites from last season.)


9 p.m.
Cold Case
Desperate Housewives

10 p.m.
Brothers & Sisters


8 p.m.
How I Met Your Mother

9 p.m.
The Hills


10 p.m.
Boston Legal
Law & Order: SVU


8 p.m.
Pushing Daisies

9 p.m.
Bionic Woman
Gossip Girl
Private Practice

10 p.m.


8 p.m.
Ugly Betty

30 Rock

9 p.m.
Grey’s Anatomy
The Office


10 p.m.
Mad Men
Without A Trace


9 p.m.
Women’s Murder Club

10 p.m.
Friday Night Lights

I'll bet you wish I knew how to link to a blog page because this post is taking over the whole homepage! I don't!


  1. I'm with you on the fall lineup. So much TV, so little time. We're even getting a DVR to mark the occasion. However, no Chuck, Dirty, Sexy Money or Reaper? I'm not sure we are as TV compatible as I thought. Oh, and I watched five minutes of The Hills and feel less intelligent for it, it was all Heidi and Spencer though, so that might have something to do with it.

  2. Yeah, I think it's normal to feel a little less intelligent after watching The Hills. But to really get into it, you need to get more Lauren to balance out Heidi. Not that it makes it any more intelligent, but Lauren gives you someone to root for, at least.

    Our cable's On-Demand service gave us free access to a few NBC pilots, so I did actually see Chuck this weekend, and I definitely have to fit that in to my schedule now, too.

    I also got to see the Journeyman pilot (thumbs up!) and the Bionic Woman pilot (not as good as it could be, but I love women kicking ass) so I'm going to try to fit those into my schedule as well.

    I'm cautiously optimistic about Dirty, Sexy, Money, and I just read the EW review of Reaper, so I know I'm at least going to tune in for one episode.

    I think my tv-loving brain will explode this year. As a fellow tv fan, I can tell that you will love and cherish your DVR.

  3. Some good choices here. Let's not forget to keep watcfhing Tori and Dean INN love!!


  4. I did catch one particularly exciting episode of Tori and Dean: Inn Love in Season One.

    It was the episode where she was pregnant, but kept convincing herself that something was horribly wrong with the baby, and so she went to her doctor over and over and over to check her out for the most minor stuff.

    Anyway, I laughed knowingly because that's totally what I would do since I'm so paranoid. And then I realized that meant that I considered Tori Spelling a kindred spirit. And so I can never watch again.

  5. OMG... You and Tori.. I can see it all now...
