Thursday, November 15, 2007

Blogging Mid-Life Crisis

So, today I had my midlife blogging crisis. After doing significant research on blogging for work, I decided I need to be serious. Write about politics, education, the media, business, etc. etc. Keep in mind that my last three blog posts have been about a Jeep Liberty commercial, a cow falling on a car from a cliff and the monkey problem in India. Clearly I'm so serious.

I tell my blogging partner of nearly 3 years (on and off again relationship, since 2005) and she wants to break up with me. Like I'm trading her in for a more serious, richer blog. Seriously, can't she just understand that people question things... even blogging relationships from time to time. She was going to "do her own thing" if I didn't want her any more. Oh the guilt. I think to humor me (and she did), we're going to do a little redesign to "liven things up."

Well, I've come back down to earth, realized I'm not a serious blogger, and am content with WBB's three regular readers: Brenner, ShannanB aka Mommybits, and Rob (who uses this as a forum to try and convince his wife to cook and clean). Maybe I'll write about something serious on occasion, but I'll probably just keep on writing about stepping in human feces and ferocious monkeys. Of course, we're open to other content suggestions.

Viva WBB.

UPDATE: I forgot one of our best readers, Emily. Please forgive me Emily. We really appreciate your regular insights and contributions to WBB.


  1. I did not want to break up! And I love how you make pains not to divulge my name.

    You mentioned that you thought we should perhaps focus on more serious topics, and I knew that my posts on serious topics would be few and far between because all I ever blog about is TV. I would have to Netflix The West Wing to be at all relevant on the newly imagined blog.

    Soooo... dear readers, I simply suggested that if Laura wants to do a more-focused (and probably better) blog, then I would be happy to contribute when I could, and I could keep my nonsensical musings on my myspace blog. I thought she was trying to dump ME.

  2. Also, maybe this "will they, won't they" tension we have will make up for all the TV I'm going to have to miss because of the damn strike.

  3. Don't break up!
    Why can't you just do something like... Serious Sundays (for Laura)... and TV Tuesdays (for Loree)....

    Find away to make it all work together... together!

    Love you both.. and regardless I'll read your blog(s).

  4. Serious Sunday and TV Tuesday aren't a bad idea. I can be serious on Sunday... I have to go to work on Mondays, and thinking of that puts me in a serious, I can't play anymore mood.

    With the strike Loree, you probably have the time for TV Tuesdays and TV Thursdays.

  5. Loree. I love you. I miss you. We'll blog together forever. Forgive me. I'll buy you beer.

  6. Buy me an appletini (and I'll make you order it) and we'll call it a deal.

  7. Count me in for stepping in human feces and ferocious monkeys. Add in a dollup of "crazed Pakistani lawyers" and you'll have me forever.

  8. So leaving the occassional comment and talking about your blog with both of you separately while I was in town doesn't qualify me as a regular reader. I see how it is. If I wasn't so entertained by your random stories (both serious and funny) then I might be offended.

  9. Forgiveness is granted. I'll continue to share my, ahem, wise insights.

  10. I loved WBB before. Then I got mentioned in a LauraBlog. Now I love WBB even more more more. Pretty much everything I need to know anymore comes from WBB (and a lil' (but mostly WBB). Keep it up.
