Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Building my biker gang

Lately I've been feeling pretty pitiful, from a personal health and fitness perspective. I'm sluggish, tired, up quite a few pounds, and antsy to have that awesome feeling that comes from being in shape again. Lest you forget, a little over a year ago I was in the best shape of my life, having completed my first century ride with the Team in Training program. If you've never tried Team in Training and want to have the best training and motivational experience out there, I really encourage you to give it a shot.

Anyway, I'm the type of person who works from goals. This summer, I wanted to complete a duathlon, but the damage I did to my poor feet during my famous century wouldn't let me train for several months. So, I just slowly turned into an out-of-shape pile of mush. Don't get me wrong, since the century I've done some decent 30-mile rides, but not enough to feel good about.

So, here's the new goal:

One major ride each month from May to September, culminating with a century ride. Yep, that's right -- I want to be back in century condition. So how am I going to do this? With my bike gang of course (accepting applications).

I'm actively recruiting my friends and their friends to join up. After all, everything is more fun with a group. Training will start in March. The starting ride will be on May 4, 2008 -- 50 miles of the Cincinnati Chili Ride sponsored by the Cincinnati Cycle Club

I'm pretty excited about this idea and encourage anyone who loves to bike to join up. We may even have special bike gang jerseys if enough people are interested.


  1. I'm totally in...and while we're at it, we should run the Flying Pig half marathon!

  2. I'll get tattoos with the biker gang.

  3. Okay, the half marathon is the same day as the ride ( and Loree's bday!), but the day before is the Flying Pig 10k. I'll get a biker gang tattoo, also. Jump off a cliff? I'm in!!

  4. I might be in for the bike thing, if we can start a little slower. Last time I rode with you (i.e you tricked me...) I almost died.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I'm in for the Flying Pig 10k and being supportive as you kick some ass cycling. Also, biker gang tattoos, obvs.

  7. Whooo hoooo! My biker gang is coming together nicely. Loree, you can be SAG support.

    And for the record Shannan, you didn't almost die. You did just fine on your ride, especially considering you have the least road-friendly bike I've ever seen.

    Comfy and cute though.... :)

  8. I am just tough. That is why you couldn't tell I was dying. You didn't see me head straight to the Starbucks for a Java Chip Frap. to build my strength up. It took me weeks to be able to bend my knees without having vicious flashbacks.

    You know I am in though.....
