Sunday, February 17, 2008

So, it's not like I've ever bought shoes from Zappos...

But, from everything I've heard they have AMAZING customer service. So I was sad to see The Consumerist report that the company will no longer offer free overnight shipping or its price protection policy. A side effect of recession times, I suppose?

Anyway, this post was clearly created just to set up the point that I really want to make: There's a Zappos outlet in Shepherdsville, KY, and I really want to go. Shoe bargains are the best!


  1. I will totally take the quick drive to Shepardsville with you. Sign me up. That sounds like a good weekend activity.

  2. I've never heard of them before. Are they like a DSW?

    I don't know what it is but the name doesn't say "shoe store" to me.

    Off to Google them.....

  3. YES they do have great CS. I remember the guy I spoke to was not only curteous but like super accomodating- almost to the point I felt uncomfortable. But it doesn't take much.
    p.s. I just saw your mans. He and my mans went out for a mans night :)
