Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I'm not going to lie, folks.

I'm tempted.


  1. You need a login to access that link, so I couldn't see the whole article, but PR Newswire had top stories on the home page -- are you talking about the White Castle promotion, perchance?

  2. You need a login to access that link, so I couldn't see the whole article, but PR Newswire had top stories on the home page -- are you talking about the White Castle promotion, perchance?

  3. You need a login to access that link, so I couldn't see the whole article, but PR Newswire had top stories on the home page -- are you talking about the White Castle promotion, perchance?

  4. WTF?~!?~!! Can you delete the duplicate comments for me? I don't know what happened! Sorry!

  5. Surely you still have a login from your EM days? Yep, definitely the White Castle story. Free burgers! Not sure how to delete comments, but I'll mess with it later.
