Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I was having a conversation recently about movies I'd paid money for to see in the theater but that ended up desperately, totally crushing my soul with their terrible-ness. Sure, lots of movies end up being "meh" or slightly disappointing, but occasionally a movie is so very bad, so heart-stoppingly terrible, it makes you just totally aware of how you will never get those two hours of your life back.

For me, that movie is "Hollow Man." Followed by "Meet Joe Black." What's yours?


  1. Well, it wasn't in the theater, so we just wasted a free Blockbuster rental on it, but Legal Eagles, from the 80s was a stultifying cinematic experience. With Redford and a decent cast, we figured it'd have to be at least *good*! But it was mortifying in every way.
    Jenny gave up half way through but I kept watching figuring there had to be some redeeming aspect of it. I was sorely mistaken.

  2. Well, it wasn't in the theater, so we just wasted a free Blockbuster rental on it, but Legal Eagles, from the 80s was a stultifying cinematic experience. With Redford and a decent cast, we figured it'd have to be at least *good*! But it was mortifying in every way.
    Jenny gave up half way through but I kept watching figuring there had to be some redeeming aspect of it. I was sorely mistaken.

  3. Blues Brothers 2000, which I walked out of the middle of, followed more recently by Speed Racer.
