Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Maybe This Will Hold Me Over Until Dollhouse

Joss Whedon fans: Doctor Horrible, Act 1, is up. Check it out here. Then come back so we can all gush about how awesome Nathan Fillion and Neil Patrick Harris are. My opinion: They're pretty awesome.


  1. I heart Neil Patrick Harris.

  2. Neil Patrick Harris is amazing, and he has such a great voice! I love Nathan Fillion, too. I'm totes ready for part two to come out tomorrow...nerd snort.

  3. Not too surprisingly this has been the talk of our house for weeks. It lived up to all our geeky expectations. I love Nathan Fillion.

  4. Part two is up today! I just watched. It's all pretty great. I wish there were more than three acts so the fun could keep going.
